Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Going Back To Bed!!!

OK, so we spend the last three days cleaning our house from top to bottom; it has not shined like this in a long time. It makes me wonder what are cleaning people were doing when they would come once a week. Anyway, we walk downstairs this morning and our dog has pooped on the oriental rug in the living room(yes the one that just came back from the cleaners last week).

So, Muffy has to clean that mess up, I run out to Dunkin's for coffee and muffins and when I return Muffy tells me to head back out to buy club soda. And, there is a bird in the oven vent! Luckily when I turn on the vent the tweedy flies out to freedom (better than putting on the stove!)

So, we have a couple members of Muffy's family coming down for a day visit (stress), plus all this crap today....I JUST WANT TO GO BACK TO BED!!!

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